Strikingly similar to the way the 11th-century visionary mystic Hildegard of Bingen walked in the world, I have used the healing power of music, crystals, minerals, herbs, and botanicals. Like Hildegard, I too have visionary and auditory states of consciousness to receive contemplative revelations from Spirit and the natural world.
Much like Hildegard, I have used my voice to sing and compose music and poetry. Similar to Hildegard, I too have a strong interest in botanical medicines and science. Like her, I too receive perceptions from the five senses, and I encounter what she describes as "The Shade of the Living Light" and "the Voice of the Living Light."
My work is founded on the passage of the Soul. I have been on the spiritual path since the '80s and have been a student of classic mysticism since the '90s. Rather than teaching from a New Age or occult standpoint, I am aligned with the ancient mystical paths of Truth, including the Gnostic and Essene teachings of The Christ, The Limitless Light, The Bhagavad Gita, and Zen mysticism, along with Eastern influences that include the Shabd (The "Naam" or Christ's "living stream" sound current).
Awakened and Enlightened Mystic
Clairvoyant, Clairaudient
Then I heard
the voice of the Lord saying,
“Whom shall I send?
And who will go for us?”
And I said,
“Here am I. Send me!”
– Isaiah 6:8
Since an early age, I’ve been in touch with the unseen realms. In 1992, I began to experience serious health challenges that included a chronic thyroid disease, a related eye disease, and goiter and growths in my thyroid gland. I intensified my meditation practice and began certain spiritual cultivation methods, placing my desire and intention on communing with Spirit. I sounded vocal overtones and harmonics and chanted the Names of God and Divine seed sounds ("OM" and others). I also used vibrational remedies, flower, and gem elixirs, sacred instruments, imagery, prayer, sacred music and much more for several hours a day over a period of months.
In 1993, I experienced a kundalini awakening. Months later, in 1994, I heard a firm and commanding voice declare, “You have suffered enough.” I collapsed to my knees and spontaneously wept, not knowing what was to come. Weeks passed and one evening, I was awakened by a floating presence of dense, milky light in the form of a billowing and churning cloud ~ what I would come to know as the Living Light of Spirit. Soon a single tendril emerged from it, silently descending toward me.
Suddenly, the tendril of light lunged forward and penetrated my heart, and I was quickly filled with what I can only describe as a sense of being loved, of transforming into love itself, its power multiplied by infinity. In its wake, I was left with a profound feeling of peace and a vibrating “hum” within my heart that lasted for years. Within weeks of entering this state of consciousness, my physician declared me in remission ~ gone were the glandular disease, throat goiter, and the accompanying growths. What followed was a series of life-changing, intense awakenings ~ some immediate and others transpiring over a series of years, several of which took years of seeking, reading, prayer, and contemplation to comprehend and discern their nature. (You can read about this in my book, Passage To Grace, Keys to Enlighten the Soul.)
It became evident that my inner states of consciousness were classic of the mystical process of attaining non-duality ~ communion. After the glorious light entered my heart, I came to realize I received The Gift of Presence ~ Enlightenment ~ "by way of Divine Love," meaning not only was my mind enlightened during the state of non-duality, but my heart was forever transfigured by Infinite Love. I was thus embodied by The Cosmic Consciousness Light Force - the White Light of Infinity, which I speak about in my book, Signs of Infinity, Keys to Awaken the Soul.
I have experienced and witnessed astounding miracles of nature and profound, life-altering mystical events. With those events came gifts of an incredibly expanded intuition and ways of helping others heal. Since 1994, I have dedicated my life to seeking the Truth and root of my many experiences and states of consciousness as well as assisting and teaching others.
What is a Mystic?
Because of my awakenings, I can unequivocally say that I have gnosis of "God" ~ The Limitless One ~ and The Christ, as well as the greater Divine Mystery, which is the substance of Spirit from which God works. (The word gnosis means "knowing/being known by.") Some scholars say that Jesus the Christ taught that this Divine Spirit is the Divine Feminine Consciousness ~ the Sophia ~ the Shekhinah ~ the Holy Spirit that often visually manifests as a cloud.
I am considered a "charismatic" awakened Gnostic, meaning a mystic who has attained the state of non-duality ~ conscious union with The Divine, with the addition of having attained the mystical heart in which I was enlightened by way of Divine Love as well as experiencing Kundalini Awakening. I am also considered to be a "nature mystic," meaning one who receives revelations and messages from nature ~ Creation itself ~ the natural world. In addition, starting in childhood and throughout my lifetime, I have had many amazing encounters with higher beings like the Angels who have dramatically protected me from harm, some of which is documented in my book, Passage To Grace.
Can one claim to fully know the magnitude of God? Can one really know The Truth? By its limitless nature, God is fathomless, making It only minutely conceivable based on the medium of the mystic’s soul and the degree his consciousness can translate. The state of Gnosis, however, is marked by an unshakable, unmistakable certainty that the mystical "knowing" you are engaged in is Real and delivered from God. Therefore, I don’t claim to know what is fathomless; instead, I will unequivocally admit I don’t just believe, but rather, I am certain that The Presence of Spirit exists in my Soul.
About Paula
Paula Dianne Upton is a contemplative mystic who lives in Connecticut. Paula is trained as a psychotherapist, and has a Master’s Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with a dual concentration in Mental Health Counseling and Career Counseling from Antioch University New England. She has a B.A. from Vermont College of Norwich University with a focus in holistic studies and writing.
Paula has practiced vibrational healing since 1993 using flower, gem and star essences, color, vocal harmonic sound healing, and gems and minerals.
Paula has researched and practiced complementary healing methods since 1985 that include herbs and supplements, energy healing, massage therapy, skin care, meditation, imagery, aromatherapy, nutrition, symbols, sacred geometry, and frequency medicine such as color, light, voice harmonics, sacred instruments, gemstones and minerals, and vibrational essences.
Paula studied with M. Kelley Hunter, Ph.D. and the late author and Jungian Analyst Penny Parker Lewis, Ph.D. Paula attended retreats led by Don Campbell, Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., and Sandra Ingerman (at The Kripalu Center, Omega Institute, and Rowe Camp and Conference Center). Paula studied Pastoral Counseling with Marcus McKinney, Ph.D. and Robert Henderson, Ph.D. Paula received energetic/consciousness attunements from Jayne Howard Feldman (angelic attunements) and Peggy Phoenix Dubrow (Dubrow herself has attained the state of non-duality). From a psychospiritual perspective, Paula worked with therapist Sharon Massoth, LCSW, CSC.
Master's Degree, Clinical Mental Health Counseling / Career Development, Antioch New England University
Certification, Pastoral Counseling - Saint Francis Academy for Clinical Pastoral Training
Certification, Angelic Attunement Practitioner
Reiki Master
Certifications, in Aromatherapy
Paula's background includes work as a trained counselor and a healer, helping those who experience the dark night of the soul, the darkened night of the spirit, depression and grief, over-eating disorders, substance and alcohol addiction, chronic illness, pain, disease, and catastrophic loss and injury.